From the President's Desk

My dear teachers, staff members ,students and their parents , on the occasion of the Annual Day let me you convey my very best wishes to you and your families. We are all bound together by the ideals of our founding fathers who had the vision and aim of providing affordabe and quality education to the youth , so that alongside knowledge, they acquire good values,that have a profound influence on their character and patriotic outlook.
On this occasion I would also like to congratulate parents for making the right choice , and for imposing confidence in our school, to care for your wards. Character building starts from home ,I call upon you to infuse good values of truthfulness, compassion and courage in your children. Protect them from the scourge of drugs and other intoxicants.
I would be failing in my duty if I do not recognize the invaluable contribution made by the Vice President, Manager, accounts committee and the members of the Trust. I would also like to recognize the contribution made by our Sarpanch Sardar Dalwinder Singh for providing unstinted support to the school.
I must also through these lines , acknowledge gratefully the financial support given to us by our very own patron Sardar Satwant Singh Bal . A son of the soil, born and educated at Sathiala, a scientist of repute currently settled in the US.
An organization thrives on sound leadership , dedication and sincerity of purpose , our Principal, who is a highly qualified academician , in the short period of time that she has been with us , has introduced certain best practices , thereby lending dynamism to the academic rigor of the School . I would also like to congratulate the teachers for their sterling role in upholding and further improving the quality of education in the school. Remember you have a very important function to fulfill that of being a are role model for your students to emulate and act upon , a process that will shape their future.
As president my long term goals are:-
Getting recognition for the science stream for the 11th& 12th standards as part of the Punjab Education Board.
Giving further impetus to the use of English by our students with the aim of preparing them for future challenges , with a two fold aim of taking up higher education and successfully exploring the job market.
To ultimately implement the CBSE syllabus as apart of our academic curriculum.
Aim to strive for exemplary standards in the field of sports so that our students achieve District and State level recognition.
I end my message with a quote by our father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi ji
“ be the change you wish to see in the world ” , change yourselves for the better , for through this change you can progressively change the society and your Country.
With folded hands I pray to the almighty and to our founding fathers , Baba Gobind Singh ji, Brig G S Bal and Col Joginder Singh Bal to bless our school so that we grow from strength to strength to shape a better future for our students through quality education.